Sunday, February 20, 2011

7A: Joke Videos and their Inevitable Analysis.

The first thing that I want to talk about both of our videos is that they tend to utilize a fair amount of space, most notable in how the frames are set up.  In the case of "Big Blonde Woman," the camera was set up to focus on a lot of close ups for facial reactions and for wide shots in order to establish the shot.  The wide shots help to create deep space in the environment.  The big difference between the two is that "Blondes and Puppets" tended to have more medium shots than "Big Blonde Woman."

One point that the two videos diverge on is the use of text and subtext between the two videos.  In "Big Blonde Woman," the way that the story is being told, through the use of a narrator as he tells a joke to his friends, presents the information in a more textual way, although a narration itself will usually present the story in some kind of subtextual way due to it's first person narration.  "Blondes and Puppets," on the other hand, presents it's information in a bit more subtext.

Another thing that is different between the two videos is that "Big Blonde Woman," tends to utilize more  rhythm while "Blondes and Puppets" tends to use more movement.  With "Big Blonde Woman," we find that a lot of the quick cuts between each shot created a very rhythmic shot style that lent itself to it's comedic nature.  "Blondes and Puppets" tended to use more character movements, such as the puppet  trying to get the other character's attentions and the use of an offscreen walk out in order to transition from a close shot of the girl to her in the ventriloquist's face.

Lastly, I want to cover the way that information is passed in both films.  In "Big Blonde Woman," that information is passed didactically, due to the fact that the story is being told from the point of a narrator, rather than being shown in a third person style.  "Blondes and Puppets" tends to stick with a third person story telling mechanic, which lets some of the information in the film be passed actively.  One such example of this active interpretation is that we see the blonde girl get angrier as the film moves on, which allows us to interpret how frustrated she is with the jokes.

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